Here you will find a curated gallery of fellow Wayfinders who are currently living, creating, & sharing their gifts with the world.

Featured Wayfinders

  • Linda Rae

    Artist, Art Psychotherapist, Horse Lover

    Belvue, Kansas

  • Hannah Milks

    Queer, Disruptive, T-shirt Designer

    Kansas City, Missouri

What is a Wayfinder?

A Wayfinder is observant, attentive, and conscious of the subtle aspects of life. They are attuned to the rhythms of nature and find beauty in simplicity. Wayfinders are curious adventurers ready to explore, but only from a place of stability beneath them. They are creators who possess grace, intuition, courage, and desire to live wholeheartedly. Wayfinders are wise, reflective, and authentic -- willing to navigate their own inner landscapes. Wayfinders are seekers who long to grow and flourish despite the challenges they face. They feel deeply and see a way forward where others may not.

If you are a fellow Wayfinder, I hope you’ll find inspiration here. If you long to access this Wayfinder within, you are welcome too. A Wayfinder is anyone willing to look within to learn their own unique path and to live a more conscious and fulfilling life.